Root Canal treatment

A root canal procedure is a dental treatment performed to save a tooth that has become infected or severely decayed. During the procedure, the dentist removes the infected pulp, which is the soft tissue inside the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels. The root canal is then cleaned, disinfected, and filled with a material called gutta-percha to seal it off. Finally, a dental crown or filling is placed to restore the tooth’s structure and function.

The benefits of having a root canal are:

1. Pain relief: Root canals help alleviate the severe toothache caused by an infected or inflamed tooth pulp. By removing the infected tissue, the procedure eliminates the source of pain.

2. Tooth preservation: Instead of extracting the tooth, a root canal allows you to save your natural tooth. This is important because preserving your natural teeth helps maintain proper biting and chewing functions and prevents the need for more extensive dental work like dental implants or bridges.

3. Infection prevention: An infected tooth can lead to the spread of bacteria to surrounding areas, causing more significant oral health issues. By treating the infection through a root canal, the dentist eliminates the source of the infection and prevents it from spreading further.

Regarding the importance of performing a root canal under a surgical dental microscope light, it offers several advantages. Dr. Mendoza utilizes this advanced equipment for his procedures to enhance precision and accuracy. The surgical dental microscope light provides:

1. Enhanced visualization: The microscope light allows Dr. Mendoza to see the tooth’s internal structures with excellent clarity and magnification. This enables him to identify and treat even the smallest canals or complex anatomical variations that may be missed with the naked eye.

2. Improved accuracy: The high level of magnification and illumination provided by the microscope light helps Dr. Mendoza perform the root canal procedure with greater precision. It helps ensure thorough cleaning and disinfection of the root canals, reducing the risk of reinfection.

3. Minimized invasiveness: With better visibility, Dr. Mendoza can precisely remove the infected pulp while minimizing the removal of healthy tooth structure. This promotes a conservative approach, preserving more of the natural tooth.

Overall, the use of a surgical dental microscope light during a root canal procedure allows Dr. Mendoza to deliver a higher level of care, ensuring optimal outcomes for his patients.

iTooth Dentistry integrates the scientific basics of endodontics with the current standards of specialty primary care. Patient’s receiving endodontic treatment at iTooth Dentistry can be assured that the treatment modalities used are in line with current scientific literature.

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Fresno Endodontics Root Canal

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